The Anderson School District Five Board of Trustees has approved a makeup schedule for the inclement weather days incurred due to Hurricane Helene. Due to the damage caused, schools were not able to use eLearning, and schools were closed four days: October 1st, October 2nd, October 3rd, and October 4th.
In accordance with state law and the South Carolina Department of Education’s requirement that we make up three (3) days missed during Hurricane Helene; Anderson Five will observe the following makeup schedule, as approved by the Board:
April 18th – eLearning Day (previously a Student Holiday)
May 21st – Full Day of School (previously an Early Release Day)
May 22nd – Full Day of School (previously an Early Release Day; Graduation Ceremonies will continue as scheduled on this day).
May 23rd – Early Release for Students: Early Childhood and Elementary Students will dismiss at 11:00 am; Middle and High School Students will dismiss at 11:45 am. (Employees will be closing the school and solidifying permanent records after students dismiss).
Points of Clarification:
May 21st and May 22nd were previously Early Release Days; now attending both days on a Full Day schedule will count for ONE (1) makeup day. (Students were already scheduled to attend the first half of each of these days, thus only the second half of these days constitutes “makeup” time).
As an SCDE approved eLearning district, Anderson Five is allowed to use up to five (5) days of eLearning. We utilized two (2) eLearning days during Hurricane Helene ( September 27th and September 30th); two (2) eLearning days during the Winter Storm (January 10th and January 22nd); leaving us with one (1) eLearning day to utilize as part of our Hurricane Helene makeup plan.
- This schedule grants the Board the authority to waive one (1) day of school missed due to Hurricane Helene. The Board has waived the day of school missed on October 4, 2024.